Tasmanian medical research charity funds projects that have a global impact and improve community health and well-being.
- Tasmanian medical research charity funds projects that support community health and well-being, with clinicians and researchers working across the health system and university.
- Tasmanian medical research on childhood cataracts and gene variants can be easily studied and applied globally due to the small population and genetic diversity of the island state.
- The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation funds medical research in various fields to support the Tasmanian community, in areas such as cardiothoracic, neurological conditions, and premature babies.
- Research supported by RHHRF has led to the development of innovative treatments for JackJumper ant bites, resulting in the establishment of a desensitisation clinic at the hospital and a significant reduction in deaths from anaphylactic shocks caused by these bites.
- Tasmanian medical research has had a global impact, with projects like the Hobart Method being implemented in neonatal clinics worldwide, and blood pressure testing research involving patients from Tasmania, China, Italy, and other countries.
Australian Health Journal spoke to Stephanie Furler the Chief Executive Officer of The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation about the impact of this research locally and in global health.
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